where were you in 1976?
It was such a wonderful-innocent time. It seemed the whole world was young, not just us. kissing a girl for the first time was my greatest ambition in life. We were waiting for John Lennon to record a new record. An LP vinyl record. no CDs yet-no MP3s. Just records and cassettes. We had no facebook-no msn-no sms-no chat. We only saw mobile phones and computers in science-fiction movies. So we had to improvise. Home-made cassettes with silly-love songs. Hoping it would be the perfect collection and the perfect girl I gave to she΄d listen to them, she΄d be so impressed and maybe in some magic way she΄d want to kiss me.
It was such a wonderful-innocent time. I was fifteen-years old. Kurt Cobain was nine. the world was moving fast. We were lucky not to know yet in what direction.
I haven΄t kissed that perfect girl yet ...
sleepless in soulpie
That sounds so cool. Wish I was born in 1976!